Laura Dromgole

Laura Dromgole


Registered Social Worker/Psychotherapist

Laura supports individuals and families to develop a new understanding of their situation and their strengths in an effort to promote new skills and improve well-being. Areas of focus for Laura are working with youth, adults and parenting support.

A social worker since 1998, Laura graduated from King’s University in London Ontario with a Bachelor of Social Work and a Masters in Social Work. She has worked in the areas of Child Welfare, School Social Work, parenting support and individual counselling with children, youth and adults.

Laura practices from a collaborative approach with individuals and families. Areas of training and experience utilized in counselling include; Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy, Mindfulness and Systems Theory to support individuals and families to address parenting challenges, relationship issues, coping difficulties, emotion regulation, grief, anxiety and depression.